How did you move today or plan on moving?
We all know that regular physical activity is vital to maintaining muscle mass, bone density, cardiovascular health and circulation. It also enhances mood, energy levels and overall quality of life.
What type of movement do you enjoy?
Walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, tennis, gardening, vacuuming and water aerobics all counts. Whatever works for you.
Flexibility and balance work such as: Any type of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Pilates tennis anyone? can reduce the risk of falls and improve overall mobility, endurance and stamina. These practices promote relaxation and mental well being….they’re also good for sleeping well.
Studies tell us that Yoga a few times per week can significantly reduce joint pain for people with autoimmune illnesses.
There is a growing body of research that tells us how important resistance training is for maintaining muscle mass and bone density since these things decrease with age. Whether it’s resistance bands or balls or just your body weight for squats, lunges, push ups and planks. It’s all good. We are meant to move to lubricate our joints, BUT we are not meant to do the same thing everyday. We need to mix it up.
While we can, we need to prepare ourselves to be in great health as we get older. This also involves eating a healthy diet to give our brains the best chance of keeping all of our marbles as long as possible.
We don’t want people falling and breaking a hip.
Part of healthy aging means strong muscles and healthy bones.
After menopause we continue to lose muscle mass, unless we decide to be the CEO of our own health and do something about it.
If we sit too much we get stiff. Even if all you can do is stretch, Do It!
Gentle stretching before you hop out of bed in the morning prepares your body to move.
Sitting too long is not good for us.
How will you move for 30 minutes tomorrow?